Tak som sa zas nechal uniesť tajomnosťou a záhadou. Nebudem nič prezrádzať, snáď len toľko, že vo vás určite prebudí predstavivosť a dúfam vyvolá správnu atmosféru. Čo je najdôležitejšie – má tam ten prvok záhady a tajomnosti, ktorý mám tak rád. Príjemné čítanie! 🙂
That day I saw the waters boil
and rise to the sky like hot oil.
That day fluid became fire
from ground to sky an orange spire.
That day water burst to flames
from Black Sea to River Thames.
That day the wind was blowing hot
everyone asleep – but I was not.
That day I heard the sound of sea
I heard the wind blow legacy
That day I saw the flames to race.
Something big was taking place.
That day I saw the sea to burn
and felt the wind to slowly turn.
That day the fire in my eyes
reflected the flame of despise.
That day my eyes were wet and sore.
I whispered to the wind: ‘No more.’
That day I stood there quiet and still
and watched columns of water to rise up and spill.
That day was something in the air
water began to split, tear
That day the sunlight lit the ocean
and tons of water kept motion.
That day light through liquid shun,
through liquid obstructing the sun.
That day back then had just begun
and yet something big was done.
That day I whispered one more word.
What that word was no one heard.
That day the second thing I said
will stay forever in my head.
That day I felt the time has stopped
as water ceased to rise and dropped.
That day with sound of burning wood
the pillar of hot water came back down for good.
That day finally, at last
the water flowed back down like glass.
That day with the burning drops
I saw the place where it all stops.
That day I saw the waters boil
and rise to the sky like hot oil.
That day I saw water upwards pour
nothing is now like before.