Táto básnička je typicky moja – je tam trochu atmosféry, trochu pocitov, trochu lásky a trochu otvoreného konca. Také ľahké, ale milé čítanie. Viac si už prečítate sami, želám pekný zážitok! 🙂
Amidst the rosefields
deep in the breeze
I took a walk
and felt at ease.
Sprawling with color
yellow and white
the roses danced
with wind and light.
Morning dew sparkled
on their leaves
and once again I felt
nothing but peace.
I took a deep breath
down to my heart
and all of the sorrow
there fell apart.
I took a deep breath
among the roses
and embraced the air.
I stood in the field
and felt that inside
I still do care.
Amidst the rosefields
my past fell apart
and once again I found
my long lost heart.
Amidst the rosefields
in blossoming spring
I smiled and wondered
what future will bring.
I turned my head upwards
to skies above
and knew that in rosefields
there is still love.